Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hola, oh wait wrong Mexico...

Stanley had an amazing time with Kaci while in New Mexico. Stanley was very proud getting to hang out with Kaci and her family. He had a fun time at Kirkland Airforce Base Confinement. Kaci's husband is the boss here.

Stanley got a taste of what is was like working at the base, took him awhile to give Kaci her chair back...

Stanley forgot to pack warm clothes, look at what he awakened to! Cold her not he enjoyed it very much!

Stanley got to participate in a very emotional event. This is Harding Field at the AFB. He participated in a 24 hour run for a fallen soldier. SSgt Travis Griffin from 377th Security Forces Squadron deployed to Baghdad in 2008. His mission was to train Iraqi soldiers. Training was off base in downtown. His convoy hit an improvised explosive device while performing training and he was killed. The run in his honor provides his family with all the names of those who participated.

Stanley had fun with Alex, and thought it was sweet when he was invited to watch his gymnastics competition.

Stanley was sad to leave, Kaci and her family were such kind hosts. But after his goodbyes he will soon get to say hello to his new host in Virginia!

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