...I mean Flat Stanley met Mayor Steve DeBenedittis on his trip to Virginia! Since Herndon is so close to Washington DC, it's a politically savvy community. Flat Stanley went to Herndon's Town Council public meeting. Herndon is a small town oasis in the busy Northern Virginia community.

Flat Stanley helped his host, Origami Grace (AKA Grace Wolf) with her re-election campaign to the Herndon Town Council! She is one of the 7 Councilmembers (Mayor plus six Councilmembers) that help make important decisions for the town. She is running for re-election on May 1 with her colleagues - you can see all of their political signs in her yard!
Flat Stanley got to visit the local art gallery, Artspaceherndon, for the new show and artisans gallery display. He wanted to buy a few things but forgot his wallet!

Flat Stanley went to work with OrigamiGrace to her pottery studio, Clay Cafe Studios of Chantilly, and loved all the colorful things to paint. He really like hanging out with the skittles inspired coffee mugs! He didn't want to go anywhere near the kiln room, where temperatures reached 1800 degrees!

Finallly Flat Stanley came back to relax and supervise a little gardening. It's been an early spring in Virginia and all the trees and plants are blooming. Stanley was a little bummed to miss out on the cherry blossoms but had fun checking out the massive, un-pruned azaleas at Origami Grace's house. He didn't get to weed, even though it was sorely needed!
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